
Release Notes:


-Fixed issue where on play you would frequently get this message "ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: [Player:0]"

-You no longer should put the PlaymakerFusionRPCHandler Prefab in the scene. It will get created automatically when needed

-Fixed issue where RPC's Targeted to a specific object wasn't working


-Updated 'FusionStartGame' action to support more options for matchmaking

-Fixed 'FusionGetSessionInfo' to support Custom Session Properties

-Added tooltip to 'FusionGetSessionInfo'

-Added 'FusionGetThisSessionInfo' action

-Added 'FusionSetSessionInfo' action


Playermaker_Fusion_Integration_1_3_1.unitypackage 165 kB
Jul 20, 2023

Get Integration with Photon Fusion for Playmaker Visual Scripting

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